Monday, April 27, 2015


Hey all! I am totally new to blogging but I thought that It would be a fun stress reliever! Let me introduce myself, my name is Danielle and I currently located in Charleston Sc! I've lived her for a short while but I was born and raised in Kentucky.

I love photography, crime shows, and I am a pescetarian (or a vegetarian that eats seafood.) I hope to one day be a full time vegetarian. I love all things fitness and eating healthy. I currently don't know what I want to major in but I am thinking about law school. I started off wanting to go into fashion merchandising but after the first year of college I've changed my mind. I am considering business, crime, or becoming a dietician. I also love music, long car rides, and traveling.

The more I type the more I feel like I am making a dating profile. Whoops! This blog will be filled with random thoughts, happy memories, and the occasional (or more like frequent) embarrassing stories of what happens to me.

I love life and being happy, which might sound totally cheesy but it's true. When I lived in Kentucky I went through a period of self doubt but now that I am in South Carolina I have never been happier! I am excited to share what goes on in my life with whoever is reading this and I promise it will be worth your time!

Until next time

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