Wednesday, April 29, 2015

More about me

In the future I will probably make more posts about fitness, fashion, makeup, eating healthy, etc. Currently I am not in Charleston, I am back in Kentucky for a short time for a few celebrations. So this post will be a little bit more about myself, hopefully it's not to boring. So like I said in the first post I don't know what I want to Major in which is a big problem since I have to declare soon! I am considering business, Law, or something to do with fitness. Part of the reason that I moved to SC was to find myself without worrying about influences from family or friends. 

I am also thinking about making a moving guide because I know how hard it is to pack everything up and move, believe me I've been there. 

The reason that I want to go into business is because in high school I took marketing all four years and got a certificate in it. I love the aspect of business and marketing. If I did go into business I would either get a degree in marketing and economics. I've always loved politics and law so I am thinking maybe law school? I also have a love for Fitness so I have thought about being a dietitian. The last thought is to become a event planner. I have so many things that I want to be and I can't just choose one! It is so frustrating haha! 

On a lighter subject I love crime shows! They are my addiction! Currently Criminal Minds is my favorite! Doctor Reid is the love of my life. I will name my future dog after him. I LOVE seafood. I am also a Pescatarian or a vegetarian that eats seafood! I hope to one day become a full vegetarian but I have a hard time giving up salmon and ship, my favorites ;) I like 80's and 90's music. My favorite Lilly pattern is POP. I wish I could eat holiday candy year-round. Makeup used to be one of my biggest passions but I don't wear as much anymore. I love using technology but I am super bad at it.

Until next time,
-- Danielle

P.S If you want more than check out my website: as of now it's fairly new but I promise there will be much more updates soon! 

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